Why do I act?

Why do I act?

I act because acting is sharing, of ideas, thoughts and all that is dear.

I act because acting is creation, of a reality, a dream or somewhere in between.

I act because acting is acceptance, of me, you and you. 

I act because acting is a rejection, of judgement, discrimination, tyranny.

I act because acting is expression, of a body that holds history of our ancestors, culture, geography and mankind. 

I act because acting is a scream, a scream for all that have been silenced and oppressed.

I act because acting is a mirror, a reflection of what we often do not want to see.

I act because acting is exploration, of the shadows that we've put away hidden within the dark forests of our shadowland begging to be let out. 

I act because acting is moving, doing, searching and making that choice to take that first step.

That first step to make a difference? A better world? Or rather a more accepting space that is yearned but often feared. 

Vinna Law